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The Bread and Butter Project
Wholemeal Sourdough Batard Unsliced
In Stock
Certified By: Not Certified Organic
Country of Origin: Australia
$8.95About the product
Crafted with care by The Bread and Butter Project, the Wholemeal Sourdough Batard Unsliced is a wholesome delight for your taste buds. This handcrafted loaf weighs approximately 450g and is perfect for those who love the robust flavour and rustic texture of wholemeal sourdough.
Baked to perfection, this sourdough is made using premium quality ingredients, ensuring a tasty and satisfying experience with every bite. Whether you enjoy it toasted with butter or as a base for your favourite toppings, this batard is a versatile addition to any meal.
Made with sustainably sourced ingredients, this Wholemeal Sourdough Batard is a great choice for conscious consumers looking to support ethical food practices. Its earthy flavour pairs well with a variety of toppings, making it an ideal option for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
Experience the full range of artisanal bread and baked goods from The Bread and Butter Project by exploring our complete range now. Elevate your everyday meals with our delicious, handcrafted products.
Sustainable wholemeal flour, sustainable white flour, water, malt, salt