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Vitamin C Calcium Ascorbate
In Stock
Certified By: Not Certified Organic
Country of Origin: Packed in Australia from Imported Ingredients
$21.99$16.96$13.57 / 100g
About the product
Elevate your vitamin C intake with Melrose Vitamin C Calcium Ascorbate, available at Doorstep Organics. This 100% pure powder is a great addition to your daily routine.
Key Product Attributes:
- Size: 125g jar
- Taste: Mild and easy to mix
- Source: Derived from calcium ascorbate
- Ideal Uses: Perfect for boosting your daily vitamin C intake
Front-load your health routine with this high-quality Vitamin C Calcium Ascorbate. Discover more from Melrose in our complete range.
Order your Melrose Vitamin C Calcium Ascorbate today and enjoy the benefits of this essential vitamin.
Each 1.5g dose contains: Calcium Ascorbate 1500mg equiv. Ascorbic Acid 1350mg