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White Horse Coffee
Coffee Plunger Ground
Out of Stock
Certified By: Not Certified Organic
Country of Origin: Made in Australia from Imported Ingredient
$14.75About the product
Start your day right with the White Horse Coffee Coffee Plunger Ground. This 500g jar of coffee offers a rich flavour and velvety texture that will elevate your morning routine. Certified organic and sustainably sourced, this coffee is perfect for those who value quality and ethical production.
Whether you enjoy your coffee black or with milk, this blend is versatile and offers a delightful taste experience. Each cup is a testament to the care and expertise that goes into crafting this exceptional coffee.
For more organic delights, explore the complete range of White Horse Coffee products on Doorstep Organics.
Indulge in the goodness of White Horse Coffee Plunger Ground and savor a moment of pure satisfaction with every sip. Add it to your pantry essentials today!