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Carrots - Organic Half Box
In Stock
Certified By: ACO
Country of Origin: Australia
$69.50 $69.50 / kgAbout the product
Grower: Biofarms Discover the vibrant world of organic produce with the Purple Carrots - Organic Half Box from Doorstep Organics. Bursting with colour and nutrients, these certified organic purple carrots are a delightful addition to your kitchen.
Each box is filled with a generous amount of these beautiful purple carrots, perfect for adding a pop of colour to your dishes. These carrots have a sweet and earthy flavour, making them a versatile ingredient for various culinary creations. Whether roasted, steamed, or grated into salads, these vibrant veggies are sure to elevate your meals.
These organic purple carrots are sourced sustainably, ensuring that you are not only getting top-quality produce but also supporting eco-friendly farming practices. Add these colourful gems to your meals for a dose of nutrients and a touch of uniqueness in every bite.
Ideal for roasting, grilling, or juicing, these purple carrots are a fantastic addition to soups, salads, or as a standalone snack. Explore more organic goodies in our complete range of purple carrots and make your meals a colourful and nutritious experience.