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Loving Earth
Buckinis Activated Buckwheat
Out of Stock
Country of Origin: China
$9.35$7.95$1.77 / 100g
About the product
Indulge in the crunchy goodness of Loving Earth Buckinis Activated Buckwheat, a delightful addition to your pantry essentials.
Key Product Attributes:
- Available in a 500g packet, perfect for daily use.
- Offers a unique blend of rich flavour and satisfying crunch.
- Certified organic and sustainably sourced for a guilt-free indulgence.
- Ideal for breakfast bowls, smoothie toppers, or a quick snack on the go.
Prepare to elevate your meals with this versatile ingredient that adds a nutritious twist to your dishes. Whether sprinkled over yogurt or mixed into baked goods, the Loving Earth Buckinis Activated Buckwheat is sure to impress.
Explore more wholesome options from Loving Earth in our complete range for delicious and sustainable choices.
Front-load your day with organic goodness by adding Loving Earth Buckinis to your shopping cart now.
Raw Activated Buckwheat