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Apples - Organic
In Stock
Certified By: OFC
Country of Origin: Australia
$14.95 $14.95 / kgeach (125g)
$2.50 $20.00 / kgWhole Kg
$12.95 $12.95 / kg5kg Half Box
$49.50 $9.90 / kgAbout the product
Av. sizing: 5 per 1kg.
Grower: Poziers Crunch into the juicy sweetness of our Organic Fuji Apples, perfect for those who prefer healthy and delicious snacking options. Grown organically, these apples are free from pesticides and harmful chemicals, ensuring a pure and natural taste in every bite.
Key Product Attributes:
- Certified organic Fuji apples.
- Fresh, crisp, and sweet flavour profile.
- Ideal for snacking, baking, or adding to salads.
- Source of essential nutrients and vitamins.
Looking for more organic goodness to add to your pantry? Discover more from our complete range of organic fruits and vegetables in our organic range.
These Organic Fuji Apples are a versatile addition to your kitchen, perfect for various culinary creations or simply enjoyed on their own. Enrich your meals with the goodness of organic produce and elevate your everyday dishes.
Fresh, wholesome, and bursting with flavour, our Organic Fuji Apples are a must-have for health-conscious individuals and food enthusiasts alike. Fill your home with the natural goodness of organic fruits and experience the difference in taste and quality.
Indulge in the best nature has to offer with our Organic Fuji Apples and add a touch of sweetness to your day. Order now and enjoy the crisp, refreshing taste of premium organic produce delivered straight to your doorstep.