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Olive Green Organics
Andean Pops Raw Chocolate
In Stock
Certified By: IMOcert
Country of Origin: Bolivia
$10.55 $4.22 / 100g6 x 250g (6 for 5!)
$51.25 $3.42 / 100gAbout the product
Indulge in the delectable Olive Green Organics Andean Pops Raw Chocolate! This raw chocolate treat offers a delightful blend of rich flavours and velvety textures that will tantalize your taste buds.
Each pack of Olive Green Organics Andean Pops Raw Chocolate comes in a generous size, ensuring you have plenty to enjoy or share. Certified organic and sustainably sourced, this premium chocolate is perfect for those who value quality and ethical sourcing.
Ideal for snacking, baking, or gifting, Olive Green Organics Andean Pops Raw Chocolate is a versatile pantry essential. Elevate your desserts, smoothies, or simply enjoy it on its own for a guilt-free indulgence.
Discover more from Olive Green Organics in our complete range and treat yourself to more organic delights.
Embrace the pure goodness of Olive Green Organics Andean Pops Raw Chocolate today and enhance your culinary creations with this exquisite treat!
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