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Alka Water
Alkaline Water
Out of Stock
Certified By: Not Certified Organic
Country of Origin: Australia
$2.50About the product
Stay hydrated and feel revitalized with Alka Water Alkaline Water, a premium alkaline water renowned for its crisp taste and exceptional purity.
Key Product Attributes:
- Size: Available in a convenient 1L bottle, perfect for on-the-go hydration.
- Alkaline pH: With a pH level of 8.5 , this water is ideal for balancing your body's pH levels.
- Clean and Pure: Sourced from natural springs, this water is free from additives and impurities.
- Refreshing Taste: Enjoy a smooth and refreshing taste that keeps you hydrated all day long.
Alka Water Alkaline Water is a must-have pantry essential for those seeking a healthier lifestyle. Add it to your daily routine to stay refreshed and rejuvenated.
[Discover more from Alka Water](https://www.doorsteporganics.com.au/index.php?route=product/searchandsearch=Alka Water) and explore the complete range on Doorstep Organics.