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$25 Organic Extra Citrus Pack
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Introducing our $25 Organic Extra Citrus Pack, a vibrant combination of fresh, zesty flavours to elevate your culinary creations. This pack is perfect for those seeking high-quality organic ingredients packed with tangy goodness.
Key Product Attributes:
- Size: This pack contains a generous selection of citrus fruits, providing a burst of flavour with every bite.
- Flavour and Texture: Experience the rich, juicy taste and velvety texture of organically grown citrus fruits.
- Certification: All fruits in this pack are certified organic, ensuring you get the best from nature.
- Ideal Uses: Use these citrus fruits to add zest to sauces, salads, marinades, or enjoy them on their own for a refreshing snack.
Enhance your meals with the goodness of our Organic Extra Citrus Pack. Explore more organic options from our complete range of organic products in our complete range.
Make your dishes shine with the bright, tangy flavours of our organic citrus fruits. Perfect for everyday cooking and ideal for those looking to add a burst of freshness to their meals.
Shop now and discover the difference quality organic produce can make to your favourite recipes.
Sample Contents:
1 each Lemons - Organic
1 each Tahitian Limes - Organic
2 each Navel Oranges - Organic
2 each Imperial Mandarins - Organic
2 each Daisy Mandarins - Organic
2 each Navel Cara Cara Oranges - Organic