Doorstep Organics provide general product information such as ingredients, nutritional information, images, country of origin and other information. We aim to keep this information as up to date as possible. However, product detail may change from time to time by the producer and often we are given no notification of this. Therefore there may be a delay in making updates. When precise information is important, we recommend you contact us or the manufacturer of the product, and always read the product information on the package before consuming.
Nicholson's Organic
Chippolata Sausages (Frozen)
In Stock
Certified By: ACO
Country of Origin: Australia
$16.95 $33.90 / kgAbout the product
Sold by the each but billed by the kilo. Actual weight may vary and therefore price for item will vary accordingly. Price quoted is for a .5kg sized item. $33.90 per kg
Sold frozen. Some thawing in transit may occur.
Organic Beef 85%, Organic Spring Water, Salt, Cracked Black Pepper, Organic Rice Flour, Spices (Dried Onion and Garlic) Food Acid (331 Ascorbic), Femented Rice, Antioxidants (306) and Natural Sheep Sausage Casings.